[UNBANNED] Banned by an Admin


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EKG Player 亗
Sep 4, 2024
Steam: STEAM_2:0:1549501073
Banned by admin: Bat*
Reason: Demo to group
Date of Ban: 04.09.2024 - 16:23:00
Ban Time: 12 hours
Ban expires in: 11 hours and 43 minutes
Date of Unban: 05.09.2024 - 04:23:00
The admin told me to scan so i downloaded the wargod app but it showed me error I kept asking this admin what to do or where to upload the demo but he refused to elaborate and banned me after I joined again and killed him. Admins with Childish behaviour will only ruin EK reputation as a best server.
here is the scan https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2944700
Last edited:
I got banned for no reason
Homelander is nick
I joined right now and I couldn't join as I was banned without playing

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